CREAS and teenager infrator

a proposal for new ways


  • Gabriela dos Santos Moreira Universidade do Contestado (UnC)
  • Adriane de Oliveira Ningeliski Universidade do Contestado; Centro Universitário Unibrasil



Infringement act, Socio-educational measure, Protection Net, CREAS


The study of this article was carried out in a qualitative way, where it has as an objective to attack the fundamental role of CREAS with adolescents who are authors of infractional acts, making a brief analysis of the seriousness of the recognition of the adolescent as a developing being, as well as conceptualizing the measures provided for in ECA. In the course of the research, a brief introduction on how the protection network works in the socio-educational field was made, and to finish, to name the pedagogical actions that are carried out by CREAS with the adolescents in fulfillment of Socio-Educational Measure of Community Service Provision (PSC) and/or Assisted Freedom (LA). For that, a documental research was carried out with the Specialized Centers of Social Assistance (CREAS) of Santa Catarina of Paraná that accepted to participate, which is based on a general analysis of what each CREAS does to bring the pedagogical character of the socio-educational measures, also demonstrating the fundamental role that CREAS has when implementing the activities for adolescents. And in short, highlighting the positive benefits that the importance of socio-educational measures brings to adolescents, during and after their completion.

Author Biographies

Gabriela dos Santos Moreira, Universidade do Contestado (UnC)

Acadêmica do curso de Direito da Universidade do Contestado (UnC). Santa Catarina. Brasil.

Adriane de Oliveira Ningeliski, Universidade do Contestado; Centro Universitário Unibrasil

Doutoranda e Mestre em Direito, Centro Universitário Autônomo do Brasil, Docente e Pesquisadora da Universidade do Contestado. Santa Catarina. Brasil.



How to Cite

Moreira, G. dos S., & Ningeliski, A. de O. (2021). CREAS and teenager infrator: a proposal for new ways. Academia De Direito, 3, 217–236.


