The application of the institute of civil responsibility for paternal-filial affective abandonment




Family, Affective abandonment, Indemnity


According to the Federal Constitution, parents have the duty to assist, raise and educate their children until they reach the age of majority. However, many parents, despite promoting support, abandon their children affectively. Notably, moral abandonment causes psychological sequelae in the child or adolescent, which will reflect on the individual's adult life, however, such abandonment violates constitutionally protected values. In this sense, the present study intends to discuss the possibility of material reparation in cases of paternal-filial affective abandonment. Therefore, the research begins by analyzing affection and care as values protected by the Brazilian legal system. Afterwards, it will be explained what the institute of civil responsibility and its relationship with Family Law and the doctrinal and jurisprudential positions on the subject are. The methodology used was the deductive method, with bibliographic and documental research, based on the consultation of articles, legislation and jurisprudence.

Author Biographies

Mirela Sudoski Ruchert, Contestado of University

Academic of the 10th phase of Law at the Universidade do Contestado. Canoinhas Campus. canoes. Santa Catarina. Brazil. E-mail:

Cilmara Corrêa de Lima Fante, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Master in Regional Development by the University of the Contestado (2016). He holds a degree in Law from the Law School of São Carlos (2001). Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2014). Conciliator / Mediator - São Paulo State Court, Lawyer - São Paulo Bar Association and Santa Catarina Lawyer's Office and owner partner - Lima Fante Advocacia. She has worked as a lawyer in the Public Defender's Office of the State of São Paulo. Currently, she is a lecturer in the law course at the University of Contestado (UnC) in Canoinhas - SC. He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law and Business Law.



How to Cite

Ruchert, M. S., & Fante, C. C. de L. (2024). The application of the institute of civil responsibility for paternal-filial affective abandonment. Academia De Direito, 6, 1062–1082.


