Judicial mediation as a search instrument for access to justice


  • Gislaine de Lima Martins Universidade do Contestado (UNC)
  • Morgana Henicka Galio Universidade do Contestado (UNC)




Mediation, conflict resolution, access to justice, pacification


The present research consists in the analysis of mediation as an instrument of access to justice, in the treatment of conflicts inherent to human relations, in a dialogic, peaceful way, through the application of techniques and the performance of an impartial third party, the mediator. In this way, it was sought through bibliographic research, an analysis on the importance of mediation as one of the possible instruments of access to justice, which is valued by the contemporary Brazilian legal system. In this scenario, mediation is incorporated as an alternative method of conflict resolution, inserted in the constitutional principle of inexorability of access to justice, from the perspective of a Democratic State of Law and effective pacification. This work used the deductive approach method, of bibliographic reference, aiming to draw a legislative panorama of judicial mediation and visualize the applicability of mediation as a means of access to justice. In the end, we sought to analyze mediation as a way of reaching justice where the jurisdictional party has a preponderant role in reaching the resolution of the conflict.


Author Biographies

Gislaine de Lima Martins, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Especialista em Políticas Públicas com Centralidade na Família, graduada em Serviço Social pela Faculdade Antônio Eufrásio de Toledo e acadêmica da 10 Fase do curso de direito da Universidade do Contestado, campus Concórdia. Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Morgana Henicka Galio, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Doutoranda em Ciências Jurídicas pela Universidade Do Minho, Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e professora da Universidade do Contestado, campus Concórdia Santa Catarina, Brasil.



How to Cite

Martins, G. de L., & Galio, M. H. (2024). Judicial mediation as a search instrument for access to justice. Academia De Direito, 6, 775–796. https://doi.org/10.24302/acaddir.v6.4431


