Draft Bill 6,299/2002 “Poison Package Law” and the offense to the principle of prohibition of environmental retrocess





Environmental setback, Poison package law, Environment


The unrestrained use of pesticides has numerous consequences both for the environment and for the health and quality of life of the population. With this, we seek with the present article to discuss the draft bill 6,299 of 2002, which aims to make the registration and use of pesticides more flexible in the country. The research problem asks whether there is environmental setback in the bill 6,299/2002. As a general objective, we seek to analyze whether the draft bill 6,299/2002 contains points that can characterize the environmental setback. The research hypothesis is that the environmental setback will be materialized if the referred draft bill is transformed into law. It is an exploratory and bibliographic research with consultation of the specialized doctrine. The method used is the hypothetical-deductive, consisting of the construction of premises based on the proposed hypothesis. In response to the research problem, it was found that the hypothesis raised was confirmed since the environmental setback is evidenced, demonstrating the great environmental impact that will be materialized if the bill 6.299/2002 is approved, implementing the withdrawal of the power of two of pesticide regulatory agencies in Brazil these being the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA), making the use of toxics in plantations even more flexible in the country, bringing irreparable consequences for health and the environment, further moving away from a reality in which sustainable development is attempted.

Author Biographies

Milena Steidel, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Graduanda em Direito pela Universidade do Contestado – UNC campus Mafra

Patricia Minini Wechinewsky Guerber, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Regional pelo Programa de pós-graduação strictu sensu Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Regional – PDDR pela UNC. Mestre em Direito das Relações Internacionais e Integração da América Latina pela Universidad de La Empresa – Uruguai. Tem pós-graduação latu sensu em Direito Privado Contemporâneo pela UNC – Universidade do Contestado, em Direito Processual Civil pela UNIDERP e em Tradução de Inglês na Universidade Estácio de Sá. Graduada em Direito pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2002). Atualmente é coordenadora adjunta do curso de Direito e professora no curso de Direito da Universidade do Contestado (UNC). Campus Mafra. Santa Catarina. Brasil.



How to Cite

Steidel, M., & Guerber, P. M. W. (2024). Draft Bill 6,299/2002 “Poison Package Law” and the offense to the principle of prohibition of environmental retrocess. Academia De Direito, 6, 195–216. https://doi.org/10.24302/acaddir.v6.4366


