The therapeutic proposal as an alternative to the repressive approach of emergency protective measures


  • Monique Thuany Artner Universidade do Contestado (UNC)
  • Paulo Silas Taporosky Filho Universidade do Contestado (UNC)



Therapeutic measures, Domestic and Family Violence Against women, Feminist criminology


This writing aims to present the innovative therapeutic measures used as a treatment for the aggressor of violence against women. Consequently, differently from what is presented to us as a solution measure in the criminal process, the perpetrators of the aggression can reverse their behaviors and adopt new behaviors towards a society, analyzing how punitive measures and their success in relation to the recurrence of violence and ind changing the aggressor's behavior, as amended by the Maria da Penha Law, given by Law No. 13.984 / 20. Disaster, the historical context of domestic violence and the reasons for its lengthy standardization are exposed, as well as the social construction of gender that has a notable influence on the problem of violence in the domestic and family sphere. Thus, must analyze the insertion of feminist criminology as a new form of criminology, bringing the possibility of purging the invisibility of women as active in the criminal process. The preparation of this article was based on a bibliographic review with the approach of legislative innovation by the hypothetical-deductive method.

Author Biographies

Monique Thuany Artner, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Acadêmica da 10ª fase do curso de Direito da Universidade do Contestado (UnC). Campus Canoinhas. Santa Catarina. Brasil.

Paulo Silas Taporosky Filho, Universidade do Contestado (UNC)

Mestre em Direito (UNINTER); Especialista em Ciências Penais; Especialista em Direito Processual Penal; Especialista em Filosofia; Pós-graduando (lato sensu) em Teoria Psicanalítica; Bacharelando em Letras (Português); Professor de Processo Penal e Direito Penal (UnC e UNINTER); Advogado; Membro da Comissão de Prerrogativas da OAB/PR; Membro da Comissão de Assuntos Culturais da OAB/PR; Membro da Rede Brasileira de Direito e Literatura; Diretor de Relações Sociais e Acadêmico da Associação Paranaense dos Advogados Criminalistas (APACRIMI);



How to Cite

Artner, M. T., & Taporosky Filho, P. S. (2022). The therapeutic proposal as an alternative to the repressive approach of emergency protective measures. Academia De Direito, 4, 780–800.


