The legal duty to protect the elderly and the responsibility of the descendants for affective abandonment




Elderly, Civil responsability, Affective abandonment


The family is responsible for providing a healthy, dignified, peaceful and mainly affective aging, supported by the reciprocal duty of care and respect among family members. The elderly are people who have already contributed a lot to society, however, in order to be adequately compensated, they face many difficulties due to the lack of recognition of their value. Based on statistical data on the aging of the Brazilian population and the legal duty of the family to protect the elderly, the present article has the general objective of researching the possibility of responsibility of descendants, for the emotional abandonment of the elderly, generating indemnity for moral damage. Considering the specific objectives of this work, the following themes will be studied: aging of the Brazilian population, the concept of the elderly, the family's legal duty to protect the elderly, responsibility for affective abandonment, precedents in jurisprudence regarding affective abandonment and the bills that aim at accountability for the emotional abandonment of the elderly. The methodology used was the deductive method, with bibliographic and documentary research, based on the consultation of articles, legislation and jurisprudence.

Author Biographies

Elisangela Magnani Ziemniczak, Contestado of University

Law student at the University of Contestado. Campus Marcílio Dias. Canoinhas. Santa Catarina. Brazil. Email:

Cilmara Corrêa de Lima Fante, Universidade do Contestado (UnC)

Master in Regional Development by the University of the Contestado (2016). He holds a degree in Law from the Law School of São Carlos (2001). Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2014). Conciliator / Mediator - São Paulo State Court, Lawyer - São Paulo Bar Association and Santa Catarina Lawyer's Office and owner partner - Lima Fante Advocacia. She has worked as a lawyer in the Public Defender's Office of the State of São Paulo. Currently, she is a lecturer in the law course at the University of Contestado (UnC) in Canoinhas - SC. He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law and Business Law.



How to Cite

Ziemniczak, E. M., & Fante, C. C. de L. (2021). The legal duty to protect the elderly and the responsibility of the descendants for affective abandonment. Academia De Direito, 3, 753–774.


