Repercussions of decision making supported by the validity of legal businesses celebrated by persons with disabilities


  • Fabiana de Fátima Alves Vieira dos Santos Contestado of University
  • Cilmara Corrêa de Lima Fante Universidade do Contestado



Status of Person with Disabilities, Supported decision making, Legal business.


The Statute of the Person with Disabilities introduced substantial changes in the legal system in relation to civil capacity, significantly altering the disability regime. Thus, the disabled person will, as a rule, be considered fully capable to exercise all acts of legal life. With the advent of the Statute, next to the trustee, supported decision-making emerged, a measure that can be used by the person with disabilities as an aid for the practice of these acts, maintaining their capacity unscathed. Thus, the present study proposes to analyze the validity of the legal deals concluded by the person with disabilities subject to decision making, defined in the support term, which did not have the support of the supporters. To this end, this work was developed through qualitative research, whose method of approach was deductive, using the bibliographic as an instrumental procedure, based on books, scientific articles, scientific journals, legislation and bill. Currently, the majority understanding of the authors of the law is for the validity of the legal transactions carried out without the participation of the supporters, even when these acts are involved by the support, despite divergences and few discussions on the subject. However, this understanding can be reformulated, due to the processing in the Chamber of Deputies of Bill no. 11.091 / 2018, which in its text provides for the annulment of the legal transactions carried out without observing the provisions of the decision-making approved and registered in the public register.

Author Biographies

Fabiana de Fátima Alves Vieira dos Santos, Contestado of University

Law student at the University of Contestado. Campus Marcílio Dias. Canoinhas. Santa Catarina. Brazil.

Cilmara Corrêa de Lima Fante, Universidade do Contestado

Master in Regional Development by the University of the Contestado (2016). He holds a degree in Law from the Law School of São Carlos (2001). Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2014). Conciliator / Mediator - São Paulo State Court, Lawyer - São Paulo Bar Association and Santa Catarina Lawyer's Office and owner partner - Lima Fante Advocacia. She has worked as a lawyer in the Public Defender's Office of the State of São Paulo. Currently, she is a lecturer in the law course at the University of Contestado (UnC) in Canoinhas - SC. He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law and Business Law.



How to Cite

Santos, F. de F. A. V. dos, & Fante, C. C. de L. (2020). Repercussions of decision making supported by the validity of legal businesses celebrated by persons with disabilities. Academia De Direito, 2, 536–561.


