Democratic management in the Brazilian school and political context


  • Jonatan Gomes dos Santos Universidade do Contestado (UnC)
  • Vânia Carla do Canto Unicesumar. Campus Maringá, PR



In the current conjuncture of Brazilian society, reflecting the possibilities and challenges of democratic school management becomes necessary, especially when we think that each school is unique and has needs that are related to the context in which it is inserted. For this reason, having the participation of the entire school community is important, both in the constitution of the inclusion process, in the fight against evasion, and in the constitution of appropriate methodological alternatives necessary to deal with the school reality. To this end, a brief history of school management in Brazil is presented, punctuating its implications, possibilities and challenges, in order to reflect on this subject throughout history, so that it is possible to rethink and analyze, in the current context, their practices and concepts. Based on bibliographic research, the aim is to confirm the leadership of the manager and his ability to intervene and share his actions with the school community in order to guarantee quality education to the student. Thus, thinking about democratic management leads to the constitution of an environment that values ​​the community where everyone involved is a partner in the process of preparing the Pedagogical Political Project, that is, they are directly involved with the responsibility of building the school collectively.

Keywords: Democratic Management. School. Politics. Teaching-Learning.

Author Biographies

Jonatan Gomes dos Santos, Universidade do Contestado (UnC)

Pós-Graduação em nível de especialização em Gestão Educacional pelo Centro Universitário Cesumar Polo São Bento do Sul, SC. Graduação em Licenciatura em História pela Universidade do Contestado Campus Mafra. Santa Catarina. Brasil.

Vânia Carla do Canto, Unicesumar. Campus Maringá, PR

Pós graduação “lato sensu” em tutoria em educação à distância, em metodologia do ensino da filosofia, sociologia e religião e em metodologia e docência do ensino superior pela Faculdade Eficaz. Graduação – licenciatura plena em filosofia pela UEM. Graduação – segunda graduação em letras com habilitação em português e inglês pela FIAR. Cursando graduação em pedagogia pela UDC. Professora orientadora de trabalho de conclusão de curso da pós graduação à distância da Unicesumar. Área de concentração: educação e filosofia. UNICESUMAR. Campus Maringá. Paraná. Brasil.



How to Cite

Santos, J. G. dos, & Canto, V. C. do. (2021). Democratic management in the Brazilian school and political context. Profanações, 8, 199–210.


