Compared analysis of the Institutional Development Plans (IDPs) of the UEMS for the period 2002 - 2018


  • Fabrício Antônio Deffacci Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Vinícius Vasconcelos Braga Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul



This research aims to analyze the Institutional Development Plans of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul and, specifically, to verify if the provisions and goals contained in the institutional plan aimed at the democratization of access to higher education were implemented and to what extent, To this end, we made a comparison between the UEMS IDPs in the interregnum of 2002-2007 and 2014-2018, because the first inaugurated the University's management planning system and its comparison with the second made it possible to gauge the application and effectiveness of its goals. Therefore, a documental analysis of a range of moments combined with the contextualization and comparison of the UEMS IDPs from 2002-2007 and 2014-2018; Document analysis; Teaching, Research and Extension numbers; dropout rates; strengthening of units and courses; verticalization; Pibid, Pibic and Pibex bags; financial transfer to the units; student assistance; Chats - Fundect; fund-raising; trained professionals; Distance Education (EaD / UAB); among others. It is concluded that UEMS effectively sought to put into practice the goals and policies directed to the democratization of access to higher education, directly influencing the internalization of development in Mato Grosso do Sul.

Keywords: Development. Democratization. Teaching. University.

Author Biographies

Fabrício Antônio Deffacci, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul

Doutor em Ciências Sociais. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional e de Sistemas Produtivos da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). Mato Grosso do Sul. Brasil.

Vinícius Vasconcelos Braga, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional e Sistemas Produtivos (PPGDRS) pela Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) Unidade de Ponta Porã. Ponta Porã. Mato Grosso do Sul. Brasil.



How to Cite

Deffacci, F. A., & Braga, V. V. (2020). Compared analysis of the Institutional Development Plans (IDPs) of the UEMS for the period 2002 - 2018. Profanações, 7(Ed. esp.), 231–261. esp.2618