Solidarity economy and markets
the different strategies of economic undertakings solidaries
This paper addresses the question of Solidary Economy and its strategies of insertion and criation of markets. At first, establishes the problematic from a Report elaborate by National Secretary of Solidary Economy considering the evidences of National System of Information of Solidary Economy (Brasil, 2013). One of main questions introduces the problematic of trading, considering the contradictions between the principles and the practices of Solidary Economy compared with the requirements and embarrassments of conventional market. The paper presents three experience of relation with the markets of Entrepreneurship in Solidary Economy situated in the Region of Itajaí Middle Valley. Those are experiences that allow us to characterize three differences strategies of trading. Inclusion into conventional market through middlemen, inclusion into institutional market and practices of fair and solidary trade with the establishment of direct relationships between producers and consumers.
Keywords: Solidarity Economy. Self-management. Markets. Recyclable. Organic. Services.