Products purchase from family farmers to NSLP in three regions of Parana state




Over time, alterations that occurred in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) in Brazil inserted the public policy in the scope of sustainable rural development. This became important to evaluate its effectiveness from this perspective. The aim of this research was to analyze the purchase products from family farmers to NSLP in 28 municipalities of the Immediate Geographic Regions of Foz do Iguaçu, Toledo and Marechal Cândido Rondon, in Parana State between 2016 and 2019. The data were collected from secondary sources, specifically from spreadsheets of Brazilian National Education Development Fund, adjusted when necessary, deflated and processed in analytical and spatial statistics. It was possible to verify that all municipalities purchased and exceeded the minimum percentage required by the Law for purchases from family farming to NSLP, except for two municipalities in 2016. In addition, specific cases of better and worse performances in the application of resources for family farm could be evidenced.

Keywords: Sustainable development. Public policy. Food and nutrition security. School lunch. Institutional markets.

Author Biographies

Vinícius Mattia, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Engenheiro agrônomo, mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável, doutorando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste) campus Marechal Cândido Rondon. Professor colaborador do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Unioeste.

Wilson João Zonin, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Engenheiro agrônomo pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, mestre em Extensão Rural pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e Doutor em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Professor Associado da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste) campus de Marechal Cândido Rondon.

Marcos Roberto Pires Gregolin, Universidad de la Cuenca del Prata

Tecnólogo em Agronegócio e em Gestão de Cooperativas, bacharel em Comunicação Social, com habilitação em Publicidade e Propaganda, Especialista em Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas, Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável e Doutor em Extensão Rural. Pesquisador Nível Pós-Doutorado na Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata, Posadas, Missiones, Argentina.



How to Cite

Mattia, V., Zonin, W. J., & Gregolin, M. R. P. (2024). Products purchase from family farmers to NSLP in three regions of Parana state. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 14, 1–20.


