Criteria of deliberative citizenship

a study in the municipal council of education of Palmas – TO, Brazil


  • Anne Caroline Moura Guimarães Cançado Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT
  • Alex Pizzio Universidade Federal o Tocantins - UFT



This paper aims to identify the Criteria of Deliberative Citizenship and Social Management in the Municipal Council of Education - CME in the municipality of Palmas-TO. The importance of doing this work is to analyze the practice of popular participation that intends to take care of education in the municipality of Palmas-TO. When the Concils are created, its intends to promote the participation of the society in its democratic conduction. This study intends to identify how this participation happens and what its results in the actions of the council. Data collection was qualitative in nature through documentary research, participation in meetings / meetings (as a listener, during the year 2016) and semi-structured interviews. We note that in the Council there are still few advances regarding a truly participative, inclusive, egalitarian, deliberative process that seeks the common good and, therefore, little progress towards deliberative citizenship and social management. We also perceive asymmetrical presence of other public bodies that interfere in the decisions of the Council. At the end of the study it was possible to understand that the Board is still in the process of maturity, because it is still a new body in this municipality.

Keywords: Municipal Education Council. Social Management. Deliberative Citizenship. Participation. Palmas/TO.

Author Biographies

Anne Caroline Moura Guimarães Cançado, Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional (UFT)
Especialista em Gestão de Cooperativas (UCSAL)
Pedadoga (UFT)
Turismóloga (FIB)

Alex Pizzio, Universidade Federal o Tocantins - UFT

Coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade Federal do Tocantins - PPGDR/UFT



How to Cite

Cançado, A. C. M. G., & Pizzio, A. (2019). Criteria of deliberative citizenship: a study in the municipal council of education of Palmas – TO, Brazil. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 9, 114–139.




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