Nude life and ways of insubordination in Julián Fuks's A Resistência




The novel A Resistência (2018) is used in this article as a motto for reflection on human life curtailed by the dictatorships in Brazil (1964-1985) and Argentina (1976-1983), as reflected in the narrative. The research aims to be a possible interpretation of literature with the theoretical apparatus of Giorgio Agamben (2002), (2009) and (2012), as a result of what we observe in the artistically constructed text, the aspects of language in the narrative, the narration and the figure of the narrator. We believe that the literature in question brings with it the impasse seen between life shaped by knowledge and power in Foucault's (1987) terms, and the human capacity to resist the will of a government whose hallmark is the imposition of a state of exception. In this contemporary fiction, we understand that the narrator character is internally harmonized by his ability to summon up the past of the dictatorial era by writing about himself and his family.

Keywords: Sacred; State of Exception; Form of life; Contemporary; Resistance.

Author Biography

Madalena Aparecida Machado, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT)

Doutora em Teoria Literária. Professora e Pesquisadora na Graduação em Letras UNEMAT/Pontes e Lacerda-MT, Credenciada no Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras (PPGLetras) UNEMAT/Sinop-MT; Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários (PPGEL) na UNEMAT/Tangará da Serra-MT. Brasil.



How to Cite

Machado, M. A. (2024). Nude life and ways of insubordination in Julián Fuks’s A Resistência. Profanações, 11, 193–208.


