Machiavelli and Virtù in Act


  • Hernán Gabriel Borisonik University of San Martín / CONICET (Argentina)



This article proposes to reflect on some aspects of Machiavelli's thought, in particular his positions in relation to the renowned virtù (as primordial facet of the ragion di Stato), understood from the categorical perspective of practical philosophy. For this, firstly, the opinions expressed by the Florentine on the Catholic Church, rejecting the idea of virtue as a universal and abstract value, will be seen. That will help to understand the process of flowering of the States as a consequence (or as a privileged face) of the first development of Western modernity. On the other hand, the analysis of a work poorly taken into account by most of Machiavelli's commentators, such as The Life of Castruccio Castracani (read in concomitance with The Prince and the Discourses), supports such an interpretation, in relation to the Machiavellian conception of virtù and the need to crystallize the state.

Keywords: Machiavelli. Virtù. Castruccio Castracani.

Author Biography

Hernán Gabriel Borisonik, University of San Martín / CONICET (Argentina)

Hernán Borisonik iholds a PhD in social sciences (University of Buenos Aires). He is a researcher at CONICET and at the UNSAM School of Humanities, where he is also an adjunct professor. His field of exploration encompasses problems of political philosophy, economics, and sacredness. In addition, it works on artistic issues, from theory and practice. He regularly participates in scientific meetings in Argentina and abroad and wrote more than twenty articles in specialized magazines. He contributed to the edition of several collective volumes and published the books Dinero sagrado. Política, economía y sacralidad en Aristóteles (2013, translated into Portuguese) and Support. The money as a material in visual arts (2017, translated into English and Portuguese).



How to Cite

Borisonik, H. G. (2021). Machiavelli and Virtù in Act. Profanações, 8, 80–98.


