The erath and evil

laudato si’ for a lay thinker




This contribution presents an ontology of evil on Earth from Laudato Sì ’, pastoral letter from the Bishop of Rome. The extreme secular humanism of the Pope's document, as well as its involuntary philosophical scope, serve as a factual confirmation (faktum) of a horizon of previous historical evil, that is, an evil that, being historical, operates in the manner of an essence, of such nature that cannot be removed from it by means within the reach of the human will. This evil essence would not operate only on the ecological level, but on a total level, constituting the earthly relief of evil. If one wonders about the arché that acts as the engine of evil that men act as ministers and operatives, it hides, hides from the gaze of men, an active nothingness, the mobile engine of nihilism.

Key words: Laudato Sì’; Pope Francis; Ecology; Nihilism; Framed democracy; Decadence.

Author Biography

Victor Samuel Rivera, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal y Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima

Doctor en filosofía y Máster en Historia de la Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Licenciado en Humanidades con mención en Filosofía y Bachiller en Letras por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Es experto en pensamiento político peruano, tema al que consagró sus tesis de posgrado. Hizo su tesis de bachillerato en filosofía en filosofía moderna, tema sobre el que ha publicado en diversas revistas a nivel iberoamericano. Ha publicado e investigado en historia conceptual y hermenéutica filosófica. Miembro de la Sociedad Peruana de Filosofía desde 1992.



How to Cite

Rivera, V. S. (2022). The erath and evil: laudato si’ for a lay thinker. Profanações, 9, 200–240.


