The naked faith


  • Wesley Knochenhauer Carvalho Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Naked faith emerges as the form of homo sacer in the bed of faith. Appropriating the designs bequeathed by the work of Giorgio Agamben about naked life, this article seeks to discuss certain elements that forge the concentration camps of religion in contemporary times, taking them from a new and unusual biopolitics, especially in the Brazilian evangelical scenario. Through the experiences, practices and utterances of their subjects of faith, we seek to reflect on some evidence and effects of discourse that are surreptitiously operated by naked faith. We conclude that the extermination camps are proliferating even more strongly in the evangelicalism of today, although their incursions are barely noticeable. They are no longer sued for their most notorious forms of negativity, morality, guilt, condemnation, sin etc., but for desire, pleasure, positivity, individuality, ecstasy, success and market.

Keywords: Naked faith. Homo sacer. Mystic. Market.

Author Biography

Wesley Knochenhauer Carvalho, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutor em Literatura, Mestre em Ciências da Linguagem. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Santa Catarina. Brasil.



How to Cite

Carvalho, W. K. (2020). The naked faith. Profanações, 7, 466–488.


