What can a body do? Espinosa and Deleuze, desire as production
The theme of this work focuses on the concept of desire as production introduced by Deleuze and in the inspiring thinking of Spinoza regarding this concept. Deleuze's philosophy is a philosophy where the action moves at a bookie movement, transforming the relationship between subject and object in such a way that the concept of desire is liberated from the fault and generates production. At the time proposed to go beyond the usual language that focuses on the identity of the subject, setting it to labels, establishing a logic where the action goes through changes and this guy, where he gives way to becoming, and the relationship of lack produced by the desire disappears, because there is no longer the subject and its image on the other, but between ourselves and that produced movement. The concept of desire as production is found in Deleuze active part in the construction of a Philosophy of Difference, with this study we propose a reflection on the elements that make up this thought, and on the motivational aspects of the philosophy of Spinoza where Deleuze is among other concepts, the power in a totally free from the processes of representation immanent plan. Our study is geared towards the question of Spinoza that inspires Deleuze: "what can a body do?" That is, what the power of a body? Examine the construction of the concept of desire as production, Deleuze's philosophy and its intersections with the philosophy of Spinoza, is the goal of this study, which unfolds in the following questions: To investigate as to the meaning Production in Deleuze, substantiate as to philosophy Espinosa on the power to act and establish the relationship between the philosophy of Deleuze difference, and Espinosiana philosophy, both construction of a concept of free will and the representation of negativism.
Keywords: Deleuze. Espinosa. Desire. Production.