Neoliberal state and des citizenship
analysis of the pillars of the contemporary state through Agamben and Mbembe
The main objective of the article is to discuss the notion of de-citizenization through the contributions of Giorgio Agamben and Achille Mbembe, observing the processes of illegalization of migration and the criminalization of social sectors as the only tool for approaching marginalized populations through the analysis of the three pillars of the contemporary state, according to Agamben: the state of exception, the field and the naked life, to understand how the tanatopolitic operates. In the second instance, it is observed, on the one hand, the appearance of non-state agents that impose order and ensure economic gains, exerting necropolitics on the part of transnational gangs in El Salvador in territories where they settle, seeking points in common that will allow indirect private government to think of a "natural" effect of the neoliberal State, that is, as a result of the privatization of public security.
Keywords: Desciudadanización. Biopolitics Tanatopolítica. Necropolitics