The transcendental threat of the criminal law of the enemy to the rule of law

the Brazilian antiterrorism law


  • Leonardo Vinicius Galvão Selva Faculdade Damas da Instrução Cristã



This article seeks to examine the ills of the Brazilian antiterrorism law, based on the analysis of the Criminal Law of the Enemy in its provisions, taking into account the risks to the Democratic State of Law of modern societies by inserting in its legislation features of the Criminal Law of the Enemy. The guiding principle of this study is the debate between the favorable and unfavorable currents of the Criminal Law of the Enemy, with the aim of creating a legal-penal debate on the validity of its application in the democratic legislations of Western societies with emphasis on the Brazilian.

Keywords: Terrorism. Criminal law of the enemy. Democratic state. Anti-terrorism law. Dignity of the human person.

Author Biography

Leonardo Vinicius Galvão Selva, Faculdade Damas da Instrução Cristã

Graduando em Direito pela Faculdade Damas da Instrução Cristã (9º Período). Foi monitor da cadeira de Direito Penal II da Faculdade Damas e Integrante do Laboratório de Ciências Criminais do IBCCrim.



How to Cite

Selva, L. V. G. (2020). The transcendental threat of the criminal law of the enemy to the rule of law: the Brazilian antiterrorism law. Profanações, 7, 431–451.


