The postgraduate Program in Regional Development at Universidade do Contestado (PPGDR/UNC)

trajectory, achievements and challenges




This article aims to present, initially, the Postgraduate Program in Regional Development at the Universidade do Contestado (PPGDR/UNC). It was created in 2006, in the municipality of Canoinhas, in the Planalto Norte region of Santa Catarina. After a decade of operation and the rise to grade 4 (four) in the CAPES evaluation cycle, the Program obtained approval for its Doctorate course in 2019. Throughout its trajectory to date, the Program has contributed scientifically through research carried out by its teachers and students with diagnoses around the potential and limits of regional development. Within the scope of action, or practice, it has trained masters and is training qualified doctors for professional performance in the public and private spheres. It is also worth highlighting the broad debate held with public and private administration around development initiatives. Secondly, the article addresses aspects constitutive of the sub-area of regional development within the area of Regional Urban Planning and Demography (PLURD). The article concludes by positioning challenges to the PPGDR/UNC, as well as the sub-area of regional development as a way of intensifying the debate with the academic community.

Keywords: PPGDR/UNC. PLURD area. Regional development.


Author Biographies

Alexandre Assis Tomporoski , Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em História pela UFSC. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Contestado (PPGDR/UNC). Canoinhas. Santa Catarina. Brasil. E-mail: ORCID:

Sandro Luiz Bazzanella, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em Ciências Humanas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Docente da Universidade do Contestado. Santa Catarina. Brasil.

Argos Gumbowsky, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em Educação pela UFRGS. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Contestado (PPGDR/UNC). Canoinhas. Santa Catarina. Brasil. 

Jairo Marchesan, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em Geografia pela UFSC. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Contestado (PPGDR/UNC). Concórdia. Santa Catarina. Brasil. E-mail: ORCID:



How to Cite

Tomporoski , A. A. ., Bazzanella, S. L., Gumbowsky, A., & Marchesan, J. (2023). The postgraduate Program in Regional Development at Universidade do Contestado (PPGDR/UNC): trajectory, achievements and challenges. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 13(ed.esp.), 54–66.

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