The agrarian issue in the Contestado

diversity of conflicts and motivations




This article reflects about the intensity, relevance and timing of the manifestation of the agrarian question in the Contestado movement, considering the regional diversity achieved by the expansion of the peasant movement and the different natures of agrarian conflicts in progress before and during the Contestado War (1912-1916). This study considers that the meeting of the initial core of the axis from Taquaruçu to Caraguatá was formed by a peasant group that creator of the holy cities project, followers of the monks, but it was not a region impacted by serious processes of land concentration. The agrarian question was more pronounced in the regions of expansion of the movement, outside the initial nucleus. The diversity of a social profiles and local conflicts in the expansion of the movement beyond its original nucleus is highlighted.

Keywords: Contestado War. Agrarian Question. Contestado social movement.

Author Biography

Paulo Pinheiro Machado, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutor em História. Professor do Departamento de História da UFSC. Membro da coordenação do Grupo de Investigação sobre o Movimento do Contestado e integrante do INCT PROPRIETAS: História Social da Propriedade e dos Direitos de Acesso. Florianópolis. Santa Catarina. Brasil.



How to Cite

Machado, P. P. (2023). The agrarian issue in the Contestado: diversity of conflicts and motivations. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 13, 608–626.


