Regional development on the regional urban planning and demography - PLURD area

inventory and considerations of research lines and terminologies in brazilian postgraduate programs




This article presents an analysis of the articulation between concepts and historical processes linked to the debate on development, especially in Graduate Programs linked to Regional Development in the PLURD – CAPES area. Understanding the unfolding of conceptions of the expression regional development that thrives within the programs of strict knowledge, Stricto Sensu, is the objective of this work. Knowing and analyzing research paths, how ideas about concepts or scales of analysis of these programs are articulated is presented as an initial exercise. The methodology involved raising programs and themes linked to Regional Development, analysis of the therms of their Research Lines through access to Capes data portals, Sucupira Platform and virtual addresses of each Program. As main results, it was noticed that the debate on development, at first in normative and institutional terms linked to the discussions of disparities and inequalities, in the graduate programs presented diversity of the agenda, themes and terms. And the most recurring terms were Regional Development, Public Policies, Planning, Territory and Development.

Key words: Research Lines; Regional development; Plurd area Capes.

Author Biographies

Cintia Neves Godoi, Centro Universitário Alves Faria

Doutora em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Docente do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro Universitário Alves Faria. Goiânia – GO – Brasil.

Sandro Luiz Bazzanella, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em Ciências Humanas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Docente da Universidade do Contestado. Santa Catarina. Brasil.

Jairo Marchesan, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Docente dos Programas de Mestrado e Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Contestado, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Rafael Gonçalves Gumiero, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Doutor em Ciências Políticas pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Professor adjunto do curso de graduação em Ciências Econômicas do Instituto de Estudos em Desenvolvimento Agrário e Regional (IEDAR), da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA). Coordenador e professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Regional e Urbano na Amazônia (PPGPAM), da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA)



How to Cite

Godoi, C. N., Bazzanella, S. L., Marchesan, J., & Gumiero, R. G. . (2023). Regional development on the regional urban planning and demography - PLURD area: inventory and considerations of research lines and terminologies in brazilian postgraduate programs. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 13, 482–509.




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