Female autonomy in the field

an updated profile of the south region based on 2017 agricultural census data





This article aims to outline the profile of rural women in southern Brazil, from avaliable census characteristics of agricultural establishments. Data from the last Agricultural Census of 2017 were extracted with a gender cutout and adopting as a methodological criterion the outline of the Family Farming Law, in addition to the bibliographical research of related texts. Rural women suffer from specific discrimination, whether due to difficulty in accessing land, schooling, invisibility of their agricultural work, among others, which represent an obstacle to their autonomy. In this article, it was verified that family farming women in the southern region may have had positive impacts from government guidelines that aimed to provide greater access to land. It was also found that women dedicate a large part of the establishment's production to self-consumption and that most of them have schooling up to a maximum of elementary school. It is also possible that there was an evasion of women from agricultural occupations. The variables access to land, production for self-consumption and low education, if evaluated together, allow us to infer that rural women still seek to get out of the condition of gender subordination, even if they have had achievements that expose a horizon of autonomy in the rural environment.

Keywords: Women. Family farming. Feminist Economy.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Xavier da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Bachelor's at Ciências Econômicas from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (1994), master's at Economia Rural from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1997) and doctorate at Economy from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2002). Has experience in Economy, focusing on Economy, acting on the following subjects: desenvolvimento rural, agricultura, agricultura familiar, política econômica and agricultura brasileira.

Maria Eduarda Ramazini Benites, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Undergraduate student in Economic Sciences (UFRGS). Experience in research in areas like feminist economics and census databases. His area of expertise is Economics. She has good knowledge in Portuguese and English languages.




How to Cite

Silva, L. X. da, & Benites, M. E. R. (2022). Female autonomy in the field: an updated profile of the south region based on 2017 agricultural census data. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 12(ed.esp.Dossie), 141–164. https://doi.org/10.24302/drd.v12ied.esp.Dossie.3920