Science and innovation in the consultation of smart municipalities for sustainable local development




The attainment of intelligent municipalities for a sustainable local development, taking like reference the change of historical time and the concept of Revolution that it points out from their first positions Castro (2000, p. 3) “[…] it is felt of the historical moment; it is to change all that should be changed […], he/she bears to think and to act different in the environments of Science and Innovation, Formation and Extension. All development model guided ethically should be characterized to be: incluyente, human, sustainable, participativo, ethical, equal, social, autogestionable and integral, essential principles to have present in the construction of the municipality that is wanted, in this case, to which is called Intelligent Municipality by a Sustainable Local Development. In this purpose, their design is not alone from the academy with its science functions and innovation, formation and extension, but besides being integrated with its environment conformed by the triple social helix for the development - University - I Govern - Community -, with the objective of systematizing with the participation of the actors of the triple social helix for the development the methodological theoretical foundations that sustain the Pattern Intelligent Municipality and of its sustainable development in the wide and diverse bibliography that refers the development, towards posteriority with the employment of other investigation shops to determine the methodological theoretical foundations of the pattern Intelligent Municipality for a Sustainable Local Development that one wants for our context. In this purpose, the study registers from the focus of the critical theory. The used methodology is the investigation action participativa and I eat instruments, the investigative shop, and the social construction from the dialogue of actors.

Keywords: Science and Innovation. Smart Municipality. Sustainable Local Development.

Author Biographies

Alejandro Emilio Ramos Rodríguez, Universidd Agraria de la Habana

Doctor em Ciencias de la Cultura Física. Profesor e investigador del Centro de Estudios para la Gestión del Desarrollo de la Universidad Agraria de la Habana. San José de las Lajas. Mayabeque. Cuba.  

Elaine Artigas Pérez, Universidad Agraria de la Habana

Master em Ciencias del Desarrollo Agrario y Rural Sostenible. Profesora e investigadora del Centro de Estudios para la Gestión del Desarrollo de la Universidad Agraria de la Habana. San José de las Lajas. Mayabeque. Cuba

Aimara Brito Montero, Universidad Agraria de la Habana

Master em Ciencias en Geografía, Medio Ambiente y Ordenamiento Territorial. Profesora e investigadora del Centro de Estudios para la Gestión del Desarrollo de la Universidad Agraria de la Habana. San José de las Lajas. Mayabeque. Cuba.



How to Cite

Ramos Rodríguez, A. E., Artigas Pérez, E., & Brito Montero, A. (2020). Science and innovation in the consultation of smart municipalities for sustainable local development. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 10(ed.esp.), 7–39.