Applied municipal analysis and planning

an exercise over the case of Palmeira das Missões/RS




This paper has two main objectives. The first and foremost is to present a particular methodology of analysis and municipal planning. As we intend to show, this methodology is economical in terms of data and indicators over which it bases its appreciation of the structure, the socio-economic dynamics, and its territorial development potential.  Also, it is particularly operative in hierarchizing action priorities towards Development Planning. The second objective is to analyze the economy of Palmeira das Missões municipality and to point out some guidelines that, according to the analysis carried out here, should be taken into account in any planning that sets the endogenous development (based on local resources and competencies), the socio-economic inclusion, and the tackling of population evasion as its main objectives.

Keywords: Regional Development. Location Quotient. Regional Pole. Productive Chains. Inclusion.

Author Biographies

Carlos Aguedo Nagel Paiva, Faculdades Integradas de Taquara

Doutor em Economia pela Unicamp. Vice-Coordenador e Professor do Mestrado de Desenvolvimento Regional Faculdades Integradas de Taquara (FACCAT). Porto Alegre. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Allan Lemos Rocha, Paradoxo Consultoria

Graduado em Estatística pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Atualmente é Diretor de Finanças e Estatístico pela Paradoxo Consultoria. Tem experiência em análise de dados, coleta e tratamento de dados públicos (IBGE, Banco Central, INCRA, RAIS, etc.), produção de mapas temáticos, aplicação de testes estatísticos.



How to Cite

Paiva, C. A. N., & Rocha, A. L. (2020). Applied municipal analysis and planning: an exercise over the case of Palmeira das Missões/RS. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 10, 562–589.




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