Induced vulnerabilities in the brazilian semiarid




The Brazilian semiarid region presents climatic vulnerabilities, but not only them The study aims to assess the patterns of induced vulnerabilities that occur in the 1262 municipalities of the Brazilian semiarid region through indicators associated with deprivation of education, income, running water, sanitation and systematic garbage collection. The research also aimed to assess how the municipalities of the Brazilian semiarid are distributed in terms of the appropriation of GDP. The data used in the research were collected from IBGE. The index of induced vulnerabilities is created, which is the weighted average of those indicators. In weighting the indicators, the factor analysis method with decomposition into main components is used. The results showed that the levels of induced vulnerabilities are high in the municipalities of the Brazilian semiarid region and that the majority of municipalities in the semiarid region have GDP per capita which value is less or equal to one minimum wage. It is concluded that there is heterogeneity in the appropriation of GDP per capita between these municipalities minimum wage. It is concluded that there is heterogeneity in the appropriation of GDP per capita between these municipalities.

Keywords: Poverty. Inequalities. Regional Development. Northeast.

Author Biography

José de Jesus Sousa Lemos, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Doutor e Pós-Doutor em Economia Rural, dos Recursos Naturais e do Meio Ambiente. Professor Titular na Universidade Federal do Ceará, vinculado aos cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado em Economia Rural. Ceará. Brasil.



How to Cite

Lemos, J. de J. S. (2020). Induced vulnerabilities in the brazilian semiarid. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 10, 245–268.




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