Study of accountability's strategic adaptation
This article discusses the process of strategic change and adaptation of the accountability of the municipality of Ijuí / RS, in a study based on the institutionalization of the accountability process, indicating the possibilities of development in the municipality during the period of change and adaptations, of public order, the exercise of citizenship and social control. A longitudinal analysis of direct research (MINTZBERG, 1978), contemplating the environment of change and the questions of organization and adequacy carried out during the process, with the contributions of Pettigrew, Ferlie and Mckee (1992) to the context, content and process of change, and Hrebiniak and Joyce (1985) for the analysis and interpretation of the typologies of strategic adaptation. The municipality is located in the Northwest region / RS and stands out for its population and for the society's participation in the monitoring of public management, giving importance to accountability as fundamental in the process of strategic management before ethical responsibility, in the management of public resources generally. The study reveals that in the process of strategic change and adaptation of accountability the environment is determinant for both differentiated choice and strategic choice, and adaptation by will prevails in the sense of bringing government performance closer to the needs of the citizen. In relation to the development of accountability, the interaction of public management with the citizen is capable of producing results through strategic choices.
Keywords: Strategic adaptation. Public sphere. Accountability. Development. Ijuí.
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