Home office and the revolution caused by SARS-CoV-2

the impact on the working life of the worker in the municipality of Serrinha-BA





This article aims to study the dynamics between workers and the organizations to which they work from home in the municipality of Serrinha-BA and how this relationship was affected by the implementation of this new way of working as a result of the pandemic. The objective comprises the determination of the real situation of workers who work or worked in Home Office in the Bahian municipality of Serrinha in the face of the consequences of the new SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. To achieve the proposed objective, the methodology used consisted of bibliographical research and application of an electronic questionnaire to the target audience through free products, followed by the treatment and analysis of the collected data. The information collected in the surveys was processed in computer programs for situational analysis of workers and organizations. The results showed that, even adapting the work format, the activities were carried out satisfactorily in the perception of most respondents, although the hybrid format was not discussed and considered for the post-pandemic moment. It was possible to conclude that workers did not perceive significant benefits in the home office model, generating a preference for the face-to-face format, although discussions about the immediate future of work in the study location are poor for discussion in the labor relationship.

Keywords: Economy; Labor market; Pandemic.

Author Biographies

Rafael Rodrigo Ferreira de Lima, Unicesumar

Graduado em Agronegócio pelo Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá (2020), com especialização em Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas (UFPI, 2022), Ciências da Natureza e suas tecnologias (UFPI, 2022), Gestão da Qualidade (UNICESUMAR, 2021), Logística (UNICESUMAR, 2021) e Gestão Estratégica do Varejo (UNICESUMAR, 2020). Possui formação técnica: Segurança do Trabalho (IFS, 2021) e Eletrotécnica (IFAL, 2010). Atuou em projetos de pesquisa nas áreas de gestão e produção de propriedades rurais e cadeias produtivas, inibidor de corrosão ecológico e hexaferritas, com projetos vinculados à Unicesumar e à UFS. Atuou em projetos de extensão em popularização de Ciência e Tecnologia e gestão de pequenos e emergentes negócios digitais, com projetos vinculados à UFS. Sob o pseudônimo Rafael Rodrigo Marajá, é finalista de prêmios literários, autor dos livros Pavilhão do Vizir e Anjo da Guarda, de publicações em veículos de notícias e autor e mantenedor do blog de crônicas Marajá Review. 

Gabriel Servente, Unicesumar

Especialista em Engenharia de Produção. Professor mediador do curso de Administração. Unicesumar. Maringá. Paraná. Brasil.



How to Cite

Lima, R. R. F. de, & Servente, G. (2023). Home office and the revolution caused by SARS-CoV-2: the impact on the working life of the worker in the municipality of Serrinha-BA. Ágora : Revista De divulgação científica, 28, 125–139. https://doi.org/10.24302/agora.v28.4625


