The environmental management of solid waste from a furniture industry




The study search to verify how a company in the furniture sector in Bento Gonçalves manages its solid waste. The research methodology used is action research, with a descriptive character, through the development of a single case study with in-depth individual interviews, with a structured approach and application of a basic script of questions. With this, the survey indicates that the company has a well-defined environmental management system, and very well disseminated in its processes, this system is performed by an outsourced company and certified by Organs controlling bodies, the survey also indicated that the company has a control total on the waste produced, as well as its final destination, investments were made in the purchase of state-of-the-art machinery, as well as the implementation of the solar energy system, being self-sufficient, generating good results and reducing raw material waste. However, there are improvements to be made, seeking innovation and eco-sustainable alternatives, opening new market niches, being able to explore a new target audience, with greater scope for future research.

Key words: Environmental management; Furniture Sector; Solid Waste; Waste management.

Author Biographies

Luciano Galiazzi, Instituto Federal de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul

Tecnólogo em Processos Gerenciais. Instituto Federal de Educação RS. Farroupilha. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Tania Craco, Instituto Federal de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul- RS-Brasil

Doutora em Administração. IFRS. Farroupilha. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Uiliam Hahn Biegelmeyer, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Doutor em Administração. Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Caxias do Sul. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Maria Emilia Camargo, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.



How to Cite

Galiazzi, L., Craco, T., Biegelmeyer, U. H., & Camargo, M. E. (2023). The environmental management of solid waste from a furniture industry. Ágora : Revista De divulgação científica, 28, 73–100.


