Influence of the individual's performance segment on the perception and behavior of environmental consumption


  • Fernando Damke Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
  • Loreni Teresinha Brandalise Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná



The objective of this study was to verify if the market segment where the individual works influences his/her perception and environmental behavior. Thus, this article presents a comparative study of employees of companies from different sectors of the economy, such as retail and services. The survey obtained a sample of 119 employees from two companies. The instrument used was adapted from the VAPERCOM model. It was concluded that environmental perception is not associated with the market segment, yet the study contributed as it assessed the employee's consumption behavior considering their perception of the environmental variable in different economic activities, verifying divergence between the level of perception of the sample in relation to other studies where Vapercom was applied.

Keywords: Environmental perception. VAPERCOM. ACV.

Author Biographies

Fernando Damke, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE. Brasil

Loreni Teresinha Brandalise, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção. Docente Associada da graduação em Administração e do Mestrado Profissional em Administração. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Cascavel. Paraná. Brasil.



How to Cite

Damke, F., & Brandalise, L. T. (2021). Influence of the individual’s performance segment on the perception and behavior of environmental consumption. Ágora : Revista De divulgação científica, 26, 106–129.


