Brand management

mapping the state of art


  • Luana Schneider Pivatto Centro Universtário FAI - UCEFF
  • Carline Ternus Centro Universitário FAI - UCEFF



This article aims to map, from a bibliometric survey, the area of brand management in the Spell database, analyzing who are the main authors, Teaching Institutions and periodicals that publish on the subject. The methodology used consisted of a descriptive and exploratory study with the analysis of the 50 articles found was carried out in the database of the site Spell, and led to the following findings: predominance of articles with qualitative methods; most articles were written by two or three authors; there was no significant number of publications per author on the subject; The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS is the institution with the most publications in scientific production; most of the articles in the sample were produced in the year 2015; The Brazilian Journal of Marketing is the featured journal in publications; Mara Value is the most used construct related to the theme of Brand Management; only 01 of the 50 articles in the sample has a data collection instrument. Based on the present study, it is concluded that the creation of brand management, therefore, is the main business strategy, used as a key component of business marketing, coupled with desires, needs and the promise of satisfaction, contributing expressively to the essential factors of the brand-consumer interdependence relationship.

Keywords: Marketing. Brand management. Bibliometric Study.

Author Biographies

Luana Schneider Pivatto, Centro Universtário FAI - UCEFF

Graduanda em Administração. Centro Universitário FAI - UCEFF. Santa Catarina. Brasil.

Carline Ternus, Centro Universitário FAI - UCEFF

Professora no Centro Universitário FAI - UCEFF. Mestra em Comunicação Midiática, na linha de pesquisa Mídia e Identidades Contemporâneas, pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. É publicitária, com graduação em Comunicação Social - habilitação Publicidade e Propaganda, na mesma instituição. Tem experiência na área de Comunicação, com ênfase em Publicidade e Propaganda.



How to Cite

Pivatto, L. S., & Ternus, C. (2019). Brand management: mapping the state of art. Ágora : Revista De divulgação científica, 23(2), 25–46.


